Saving Our Children's Futures

Local class sizes are already too high.
There is only just enough green space for our children to explore.
Increases in population density lead to social decline.

Let's keep the future bright for our children.

There are too many children in each class as it is. Building this many new houses in the area is pushing us past breaking strain.

Our children need us.

With the effects caused by population growth more evident now than ever, our children need us to exercise our right to have a say on the things that will affect them the most.


By increasing the number of houses in the catchment area of our schools, we are adding the numbers of children required to be taught by each class to an undesirable level.


Teachers in the area are already raising concerns as to how that is affecting our children’s educations and well-being with the class sizes as they are now, this is before we add potentially hundreds more children.

We think the councils stated need for housing needs spreading out and needs backing up with plans to protect our childrens futures.

Our articles on children's futures