We are a group of local residents,
working together to stop the development,
of the Chidswell Fields.

We need your support to do it.

The fields are a place to walk, a habitat to a huge wildlife population and are a 'green gap' between us and neighbouring towns.

To lose them will have dire consequences for all.

These issues will affect everyone in the area. 

This group and website aim to highlight these issues and hopefully stop them.

The fields need your help as well as ours.

By acting together as a community, we can have more of a say of what happens in our own town and its surroundings.

This countryside is our areas ‘natural filter’ for pollution and a great place to go for a walk. 

We’d rather keep it.

These beautiful woodlands have been here a lot longer than us and is brimming with beautiful trees. 

We think they have a right to stay.

Our natural environment is an amazing system that supports our way of life in more ways than we will ever know. 

Let’s let it.

There have been over 50 key species of wildlife identified on these fields so far.

This is their habitat and should remain so.

Our roads are busy enough as it is. An additional 2000 cars and lorries per day will be too much. Even the Highways Agency think so.

Class sizes are too high in the area already. Over 1500 houses will add even more pressure. Our childrens health and education need protecting.

The fields and woodland nestled within the the heart of Chidswell is our last green lung

This is our one last chance to save it. Lets get the green belt put back as such and stop the rest of this development from happening. Once its gone, its gone forever.