The Grey Heron

Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) at Chidswell Heybeck 2021

Herons require unpolluted water with good, sustainable supply of food and safe places to nest. Heronries should not be visited during the breeding season for fear of disturbance.

Herons eat mainly fish.

Herons are members of the Herons, storks and ibises family. Herons are very large, long necked birds with long legs. Often solitary, they stand ‘hunched up’ with head resting between shoulders though when hunting it walks with stealth and stands motionless for long periods of time. In flight the head is drawn back the neck bulges and the feet extend well beyond the tail with large steadily beating wings.

Our grey herons do not usually migrate. A few from Britain reach Ireland and some reach Holland, France and even Spain.

It is vital our waters remain unpolluted to support our grey herons.

Herons are here at Chidswell & Heybeck!

Let’s Keep Herons Here!

Click here for more information about the Grey Heron.

Sources of information: RSPB Handbook of British Birds and RSPB Giving Nature a Home

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