Saving Our Woodland

The Chidswell fields are home to 2 Ancient Woodlands.  

Any development nearby will adversely affect them.

Ancient Woodlands are irreplaceable. It is Government Policy to refuse development resulting in the loss or deterioration of irreplaceable habitats unless there are wholly exceptional reasons and a suitable compensation strategy. It is important to note that damage can occur even when there is not a direct loss of Ancient Woodland.

Our Ancient Woodlands are precious! 

Dogloitch and Dum Woods have been protected by their isolation for more than 400 years. 


The proposed development will encircle a large portion of both woods with houses and factories.  


The Developer’s own Impact Assessment states that increased access and use will likely lead to damage of the woodland, fly-tipping, trampling and loss of biodiversity.  The Assessment states the impact would be negative, significant at District Level – and possibly irreversible.


The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, The Woodland Trust and The CPRE have all objected to the proposed development.


The Forestry Commission response to the development starts with this statement:

Ancient woodlands are irreplaceable. They have great value because they have a long history of woodland cover. It is Government policy to refuse development that will result in the loss or deterioration of irreplaceable habitats including ancient woodland, unless “there are wholly exceptional reasons and a suitable compensation strategy exists.

It is important to note that damage can occur even when there is not a direct loss of ancient woodland.

Our articles about saving the woodland.