Saving Our Wildlife

The Chidswell fields are teeming with wildlife.

Over 160 species have been submitted to the areas iNaturalist portal to date, these include many notable species.

This development will destroy their habitat.

We don't think that should be allowed to happen.

"I think sometimes we need to take a step back and just remember we have no greater right to be here than any other animal"

Almost half of the UK wildlife is in long term decline and 15% of species are currently at risk of extinction.


The Ecological Impact Assessments for the development state ‘likely permanent displacement’ of red listed species – there is no mitigation that can reverse this.


The same report details expected contamination of the waterways during, and after, construction.  The mitigation includes dredging but this will be too late for the sensitive sticklebacks and minnows that support the Kingfishers on Heybeck.


It can take decades for delicate eco-systems to recover after pollution.  The Prime Minister has called on World Leaders to turn around nature’s decline by 2030.  The inevitable damage caused by this development would only accelerate the decline of nature.


Do humans ‘deserve’ this habitat more than the wildlife that has existed there for centuries?  Is our ‘need’ greater than theirs?  Is it our ‘right’ to take this, just because we can?  Perhaps we could find a more suitable area for development – we could utilise our brownfield sites and leave the area to those endangered species who need it more.

Our articles on wildlife