A town between 2 towns...

 This development site, known officially as MX1905, is the equivalent of another entire village or small town, shoehorned in in-between the Shaw Cross playing fields and the Babes in the Wood traffic lights. 



There would be as many additional houses and occupants as there are now in Hanging Heaton and Chidswell, but without the required additional infrastructure to support it.

One development, but with two applications...

There are 2 separate planning applications that have been submitted on behalf of the developer.


The first one, application number ‘2020/60/92331/E‘, is the larger of the two and covers a whopping 276 acres.


The second application, ‘2020/60/92350/E‘, although smaller, is still a significant sized development, being just over 17 acres on its own. 


It had been speculated on as to why there are 2 applications for one development, but this was made clear in the Kirklees planning committee meeting on the 17th November 2020, where it was mentioned that this was to enable ‘early delivery’ of some part of the development.


The video where this is clearly stated can be viewed (at the exact timestamp) by clicking here.

We want to see this development stopped.

The Chidswell & Heybeck fields and woodland should be left as green land, to be able to continue to act as the division between Dewsbury, Leeds & Wakefield and as the 'Green Lung' that cleans our air.

Before After

This huge development is just too big for the area, which is already under strain with traffic problems and a lack of school places for our children. 

The development will bring the biggest impact of any major development in the area for decades and will change the way of life for the residents of the area forever.

  • It will add thousands of extra cars per day on local roads.
  • It will cause irreversible damage to our environment.
  • It will destroy the habitats of the diverse wildlife species that live there.
  • It will affect if not kill the 2 ancient woodlands.
  • It will permanently take away our countryside and green belt.
  • It will adversely affect our childrens futures.

We’d rather keep the fields, trees and clean air.

We are working hard, as a group and where possible by involving and engaging the wider local residents and community, to stop this development and force Kirklees Council to seek other, more sustainable solutions.

The main 6 areas we are contesting this development.

This countryside is our areas ‘natural filter’ for pollution and a great place to go for a walk. 

We’d rather keep it.

These beautiful woodlands have been here a lot longer than us and is brimming with beautiful trees. 

We think they have a right to stay.

Our natural environment is an amazing system that supports our way of life in more ways than we will ever know. 

Let’s let it.

There have been over 50 key species of wildlife identified on these fields so far.

This is their habitat and should remain so.

Our roads are busy enough as it is. An additional 2000 cars and lorries per day will be too much. Even the Highways Agency think so.

Class sizes are too high in the area already. Over 1500 houses will add even more pressure. Our childrens health and education need protecting.